Urinal Sanitisers
Urinal Sanitising Hygiene Treatment is the most effective solution in eliminating bacterial growth and malodourous uric acid that build up with every flush. All WC’s maintained by TCC Hygenie are sanitised with the urinal sanitiser that gets automatically dispensed with each flush. This effectively removes uric acid and other solids to ensure there is no build up in the toilet bowl, urinal trough and drain.
The urinal wash then coats the surface of the urinal, preventing the adherence of wastes and providing an easier cleaning surface.
Our technicians will give your washroom a detailed service every six weeks and sanitise all facets of your WC including:
►Flush buttons
►Seat and covers
►Floor area surrounding WC
►Replenish WC dispenser to continue the ongoing release of sanitising fluid with every flush.
The sanitisers are compatible with all types of urinals and do not require wall mounting or alteration to existing plumbing.
As well as Urinal Sanitising Products we also offer ongoing Urinal Maintenance and cleaning.
Contact us today for a free quote for any of the products!